Important Details & further Information
The following hints are helpful when using an at-breast supplementer in daily life:
Air bubbles in the tube are hindering the flow: Press once on the container.
When you use milk at room temperature in an at-breast supplementer, the prepared device can be standing outside for some time, if your baby is healthy and older than two weeks. Thus you can prepare the device in good time beforehand and it will immediately be ready when your baby wants to breastfeed.
When the milk in the tube seems not to be flowing, it may be that the end of the tube slipped to the side while latching your baby: Take your baby from the breast, adjust the end of the tube to the middle of your nipple and latch your baby again.
When the milk in the tube seems not to be flowing, it can also be that air bubbles in the tube are hindering the flow: Press once on the container of the SNS until both tubes are full of milk and then let go.
If the SNS leaks, screw the yellow attachment ring tightly, but not too tightly.
When a tube is not permeable or is broken, contacting the manufacturer makes sense.
The Supplemental Nursing System is a good possibility for supplementing while breastfeeding. There are also other possibilities as needed for at-breast supplementation.
In any case, a lactation consultation is important and a great support for your breastfeeding experience.
Further Information
The following information is also available:
Booklet Parent-Info: Breastfeeding with the Supplemental Nursing System, Márta Guóth-Gumberger, 15 pages, with many photos
Book Stillen (Breastfeeding), Márta Guóth-Gumberger, Elizabeth Hormann, pages 103-107. This book has been also published in French, Georgian, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Russian and Chinese.
You find more publications on the SNS in German.
For your information: My background with the Supplemental Nursing System
I am well-acquainted with at-breast supplementation and the Supplemental Nursing System, through personal experience, counselling of mothers since 1992, publications and teaching on the SNS in many continuing education programs. I do not work on behalf of the manufacturer. I have not received and will not receive renumeration from the manufacturer and do no accept any gifts from the manufacturer.
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