Pre-Screening for Lingual Frenulum BABY AND CHILD in SPANISH, Márta Guóth-Gumberger, Daniela Karall

Pre-Screening for Lingual Frenulum BABY AND CHILD in SPANISH, Márta Guóth-Gumberger, Daniela Karall


FOR PROFESSIONALS: Supporting babies and older children you may see problems with breastfeeding initiation, breastfeeding, weight gain, eating solids, speech or teeth. You might not have the time and possibility to intensively study tongue mobility. This Pre-Screening for Lingual Frenulum BABY AND CHILD enables you after short familiarization to decide whether to send the baby to a professional who has extended experience with tongue mobility and tongue-tie or not.

A laminated colour print of the Pre-Screening is helpful for breastfeeding counselling, home visits, children’s wards, pediatric offices, dentists, orthodontists, speech therapists and other professionals. A black and white print is suitable for documentation for each baby or older child and for communication with other professionals. It can be filled in less than a minute.

The Pre-Screening has been presented for the first time in 2020 in German and is being validated during its use. Your feedback is helpful. The Pre-Screening has the goal that babies who need tongue-tie treatment get access to it early so that breastfeeding initiation, eating behaviour, speech development and dental health can evolve age appropriately, but also that unnecessary worries are avoided in babies and older children with normal tongue mobility.

The Pre-Screening is available as Download. You will receive a secure link which is valid until 24 hours after the first download.

© 2025-01, Márta Guóth-Gumberger, Daniela Karall, 2 pages, in colour

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